After treating their fans with Sonakshi Sinha's first look from the upcoming film 'Noor', the makers have now unveiled its first look poster. Trade analystTaran Adarsh took to his Twitterhandle to write, "First lookposter of # Noor . Directed by Sunhil Sippy. Produced by TSeries and Abundantia. Filming begins July 2016." The poster features the 'Dabangg' girl donning different looks. The shooting of the movie will kickstart in July in Mumbai. Directed by Sunhil Sippy, the forthcoming movie, based on the book 'Karachi, You're Killing Me,' will see the 28-year-old actress portraying the role of a journalist alongside Kanan Gill, a well-known stand-up comic.
First look poster of Sonakshi Sinha's 'Noor' out
Bollywood Gapshap