Filmmaker Sanjay Gupta has never minced words when it comes speaking up on issues that concern him. Well, the filmmaker is in the news this time for being upfront about award shows. Recently, Sanjay Gupta spoke against an annual Bollywood awards show and called it TRP driven.
Sanjay Gupta took to his twitter account to calling out the annual award shows stating how no one really cared about them. The tweets came after IIFA 2016 aired on Sunday, July 10. He went on a rant about how the awards show never gave importance to the hard work and insulted true talents. Not just that, he also had issues with technical award winners not given a chance to speak on TV.
Tweeting about the same, Sanjay Gupta wrote, "Bollywood award shows are TRP driven. Whoever gave a sh*t about genuine hard work that goes behind each film. They insult true talent. Single commercial breaks given more time than the sum total of technical awards. WHAT A FUKN FARCE the whole film awards shows has become. Technical awards and the recipients not given a chance to talk on TV. WTF are you even giving the awards for?"
Sanjay Gupta did not stop there. He spoke about how Ajay Devgn, Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar have been true heroes by staying away from the shows and spoke about the existing hypocrisy. He wrote, "Ajay Devgan, Aamir Khan & Akshay Kumar true heroes who have stayed away from the whole hypocrisy of Bollywood film awards. RESPECT! Performing at an awards show is revenue for a star. Just as an ad or an appearance. It doesn't mean that they endorse the hypocrisy. How many of you truly give a damn who wins when watching these shows? Is it not the circus performances of the stars that you really enjoy?"
Lastly, Sanjay Gupta lauded Akshay Kumar for being upfront about the award shows. He wrote, "Akshay Kumar has never minced his words & has always stated clearly the only reason he has performed at award shows is because he is paid."
On the work front, Sanjay Gupta is directing Hrithik Roshan- Yami Gautam starrer Kaabil that will start its second schedule this week. It is set to release next year.