
Friday 1 July 2016

Shah Rukh Khan’s reaction on Salman Khan’s rape comment might SHOCK you!

Shah Rukh Khan just reacted to Salman Khan's rape comment but it is not what any of us expected. Read on to find out what he has to say....

We didn’t see this coming AT ALL!

Anyone who has met Shah Rukh Khan or has even read his interviews would know for a fact how he doesn’t mince his words. His opinions are right there, whether you agree with him or no, although most of the times you would choose to agree coz he speaks so much sense. But surprisingly, he doesn’t want to take sides when it comes to Salman Khan’s rape comment controversy. Yes! At an event yesterday, Shah Rukh was asked to comment on Salman’s rape remark but Khan chose to maintain a neutral stand by reversing the whole theory stating, “In the last few years I have come to realise that I have made so many inappropriate comments myself. I don’t think I am someone to sit in judgement for anybody else’s comment. To be really honest, it is not about taking sides. I myself speak such a lot (inappropriately), who am I to judge him on this? Personally speaking, I don’t think I am anyone to comment on this. I am so inappropriate myself. I have said some really wrong things also…” Well, now is that what we expected from SRK? I don’t think so!
We understand celebrities too are after all human beings and humans tend to make mistakes. But during a time when everyone was hoping to hear a stronger say from Bollywood, a stronger stand against Salman and his irrelevant remarks, we didn’t expect SRK to turn the tables by blaming himself for being so inappropriate. Can you recollect any obnoxious remark made by SRK in the recent past?
Not to forget, Priyanka Chopra too had recently reacted to Salman’s rape remark but she chose to divert the issue to an even crucial one by highlighting the rape cases in India. She said, “First of all, you should be asking the person who made this comment. It is very important for the media and for we as women to use our power and talk about the real problem which is happening in India every single day to so many women instead of pushing a controversy for a headline, which is unfair. There is so much reality happening like a brutal rape case in Bihar took place – why is no one talking about the issue? A lot has been said about the Salman issue, I don’t want to add to the noise. I would rather bring notice on real issues. The real problem is us talking about how to treat out women better in India and how to treat women better generally.”

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