Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar, a romantic comedy directed by Luv Ranjan, was released in March 2023, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles. The film, which centers on the complexities of modern relationships, quickly generated buzz due to the pairing of two of Bollywood’s biggest stars and Ranjan's reputation for making successful rom-coms. Despite facing competition from other films, the film garnered decent interest due to its light-hearted premise, catchy music, and the popular on-screen chemistry between Ranbir and Shraddha.
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar |
The film made a relatively strong start at the box office, grossing ₹15.73 crore (approximately $1.9 million) on its opening day in India. This was a solid opening for a romantic comedy, with the film benefiting from its youthful appeal and relatable theme of love and commitment. It went on to perform reasonably well over its opening weekend, with collections steadily rising as word-of-mouth spread. By the end of its first week, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar had earned ₹65-70 crore (approximately $8-9 million) in India, marking a promising performance for a mid-range budget film.
Despite not being a massive opener, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar
continued to perform well in its second week, with its target audience—youth
and families—keeping the momentum going. The film’s music, particularly the hit
tracks like "Pyaar Hota Kayi Baar Hai" and "Tere Piche
Piche," helped it maintain visibility and appeal in cinemas. Additionally,
the film did well in overseas markets, particularly in the UAE and North
America, where Ranbir Kapoor’s global fanbase contributed to its solid
international earnings. By the end of its theatrical run, Tu Jhoothi Main
Makkar grossed approximately ₹150 crore (around $18 million) worldwide.
While not a record-breaking hit, the film's performance was considered a
success, especially for a rom-com in a year dominated by big-budget action
films. It demonstrated that there was still a market for family-friendly
romantic comedies in Bollywood, especially with a star cast like Ranbir and
Shraddha. Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar solidified Luv Ranjan’s reputation as a
director who knows how to blend entertainment with mass appeal, and it
contributed positively to the Bollywood box office in 2023, marking a steady
hit in a year full of varied genres.